Hawaiian Food

Hawaiian food is really good or in Hawaiian I would say "ono" Hawaiian food is very important in Hawaii because it holds up the traditions of the Hawaiian culture. Hawaii is a place where there are:

Poi- Traditional Hawaiian Staple Dish

The staple and traditional filler starch dish in Hawaiian cuisine is something known as poi. Poi is a thick paste made from taro root (similar to a yam or potato but with a starchy-er flavor) that is either steamed or backed and pounded. While pounding, water is added to the mixture to create a pudding like consistency. Poi has a unique flavor, starchy and slightly sour from light fermentation in the process. I personally can't get enough poi while i'm in Hawaii, but I undersigned that the flavor and texture does get some getting used to. I like to add a little lomi-lomi salmon (see below) to my bowl of poi!


Hawaiian food is a tradition to the Hawaiian it has bring many happiness to the native peoples taste  buds is also brings happiness to others from around the world because of its delicious delicacies. There is Lau lau, poi, loom salmon, pig, and kalua pig. 


Heineken is really good and famous in Hawaii that all the locals out there even young adults had been sucking up and getting drunk but to be honest that life and it is our life and we have to enjoy it while we can before we grow old and we no can drink and thats gonna be like the end of a drinking career.